Online / Offline Status

Hi, I am using the MQTT Distributor and MQTT Engine Module. When my Field device (RedLion DA30D) is turned off, The online status in the Node info folder stays online.

It only goes offline if ignition is restarted or Mqtt engine is reinitialized on gateway.

Could someone point me in the right direction?
Kind Regards,

Hey Kumar when we had Redlion devices act up with MQTT, we disabled this setting.

You’ll need to restart the Engine Module after the change, most likely.

What Version of Crimson 3.1 do you have?

Hi, Yes. We have that option disabled for a while now.
Yes, we are using Crimson 3.1 (Gold Build 3121.000). Does it have to do with redlion itself?

Hi, Yes. I figured that the keep alive settings must be updated.

Thank you very much.