MQTT Transmission - Connecting to Azure Event Grid

Hello all!

I’m new to MQTT and Azure Event Grid and I’m trying to get a quick proof of concept going by publishing Ignition data to Event Grid using the Transmission module. Does anyone have experience with this?

I already have an Event Grid namespace set up. The part that I’m sort of stuck on is setting up the EG MQTT server connection in the Transmission module settings on the gateway. How do I get the MQTT server URL from EG? Is there anything I need to do in EG before making the connection to Ignition? What do I need to do to get started with this?

I would appreciate any help anyone can provide, thanks in advance!

Azure Event Grid currently doesn’t support retained messages and because of this, it won’t work with the Cirrus Link modules. Here is a link to the related Cirrus-Link documentation - Can I connect MQTT Modules to Azure Event Grid - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence