Is it technically possible to use Ignition as a broker to publish data to a subscriber, such as ESP32 or mqttfx?

I am contemplating using Ignition as a broker to publish data to subscribers like ESP32 or mqttfx. I am curious to know if this is technically feasible?

I understand that I can have another Ignition-loaded transmitter subscribe to an Ignition distributor. I also know that I can use mqttfx as a client to subscribe and publish.

I am looking forward to receiving feedback and suggestions on this matter. Thank you!

MQTT Distributor is a fully compliant MQTT Server and is a module that can be installed into Ignition: MQTT Distributor - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence

The download is here:

thanks ,I have already downloaded distributor.
I just want mqttfx or any client such as esp32 can subscribe the topic which is published by ignition

The MQTT modules for Ignition are designed to publish using Sparkplug. See this doc for an example setup: Getting Started: Two Ignition Architecture - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence

Both modules are also capable of scripted publishes. That info is here: MQTT Publishing via MQTT Transmission - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence