Hi Everyone,
I’m just a beginner and have no experience in networks. I need to connect the IOT Bridge for Snowflake to the Chariot MQTT Server.
The document I’m referring to for IOT Bridge setup: https://docs.chariot.io/display/CLD80/IBSNOW%3A+AWS+Quickstart
Both IOT Bridge and chariot mqtt server are free trial versions I got from AWS Marketplace and have been set up as Cloud Formation templates. I have created and uploaded self-signed certificates and keys to the server. The ports and everything have been set as per https://docs.chariot.io/display/CHAR2x/Chariot+MQTT+Server+Configuration
I have also added my Root CA cert to the JVMs cacerts trust store in the MQTT server’s EC2 instance.
I was still unable to establish an SSL connection between the two.
The error I was getting was:
finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:56|17:45:56.915 [thread-9] warn org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.tahuclient - ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b: connect failed - retrying finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57|17:45:57.001 [mqtt con: ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b] warn org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.tahuclient - ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b: connect with retry failed due to mqttexception finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57|org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.mqttexception: mqttexception finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.exceptionhelper.createmqttexception(exceptionhelper.java:38) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.clientcomms$connectbg.run(clientcomms.java:738) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.lang.thread.run(thread.java:829) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57|caused by: java.net.sockettimeoutexception: connect timed out finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.plainsocketimpl.socketconnect(native method) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.abstractplainsocketimpl.doconnect(abstractplainsocketimpl.java:412) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.abstractplainsocketimpl.connecttoaddress(abstractplainsocketimpl.java:255) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.abstractplainsocketimpl.connect(abstractplainsocketimpl.java:237) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.sockssocketimpl.connect(sockssocketimpl.java:392) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/java.net.socket.connect(socket.java:609) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at java.base/sun.security.ssl.sslsocketimpl.connect(sslsocketimpl.java:305) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.tcpnetworkmodule.start(tcpnetworkmodule.java:74) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.sslnetworkmodule.start(sslnetworkmodule.java:132) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.clientcomms$connectbg.run(clientcomms.java:724) finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57| … 1 common frames omitted finest|107464/0||24-05-02 17:45:57|17:45:57.001 [mqtt con: ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b] warn org.eclipse.tahu.mqtt.tahuclient - ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b: mqtt client details: mqtt server name = my mqtt server :: mqtt server url = ssl:// :: mqtt client id = ibsnow-fde10698-697e-4b :: using birth = true :: using lwt = true
After this, based on the suggestions of some weblinks, I added the IOT bridge’s EC2 instance’s Public IP to the inbound rules of the security group in which IOT bridge’s instance is placed.
When I restarted IBSNOW via IOT Bridge’s EC2 instance,
This error was shown: caused by: sun.security.validator.validatorexception: pkix path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.suncertpathbuilderexception: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
To avoid this, I added my root CA details to cacerts in the same instance. To do this I needed keytool command, so I installed openjdk-19-jdk-headless to use it.
I’m getting the following error after running it again,
“caused by: java.security.cert.certificateexception: no subject alternative names present”
Any help or suggestion would be great!