Hi all,
I am creating tags with the source from OPC-UA server using Gateway script ( system.tag.addTag). The tags will then publish to AWS IoT Core via MQTT. I have noticed the three tags: EURange, EngineeringUnit and Subunit failed to create with the following error: Bad_Unsupported(“The target path ‘[TAG Provider]Motor/Shaft/Keyphaser Channel/Speed’ cannot accept children tags.”).
When browsing it using the Tag Browser within the Designer I can see the 3 tags are sub-tag under the Speed tag.
I am aware of the “solution” mentioned [BUG-12935] Import tags - Ignition Early Access - Inductive Automation Forum. The three tags created at the 1 level up with out issue, i.e. [TAG Provider]Motor/Shaft/Keyphaser Channel. However, this doesn’t reflect on how the tag structure from the source, and I am afraid this may create conflicts in the wrong run as the 3 tags may exist at the other tags in the same level, e.g. [TAG Provider]Motor/Shaft/Keyphaser Channel/Speed2.
Can you please advise if there is any solution for me to create the three tags and preserved the folder structure? i.e. creating the sub-tag? Alternately, I have noticed the tag Numeric properties consists of the Engineering Unit, Engineering Low and High Limit. Is there anyway I can script to update those attributes and includes the attribute to the MQTT payload to AWS?
Thank you in advance.