Completely new to this module. I am using Cirrus Transmission Module to send the data to MQTT broker.
Just for testing purpose, I am sending this tag structure,
Successfully received the data in the broker. But it is not in readable form, it is like protobuf form,
but when I try to verify the thing in MQTTX client, I am receiving as follows
Kindly help me to receive this normal payload. how to do that?
By default, the MQTT Transmission follows the Sparkplug Specifiction ( This is required for Sparkplug capable host applications (such as MQTT Engine) to consume the data. Per the spec, the payloads are protobuf encoded using the Sparkplug protobuf schema.
With that being said, MQTT Transmission is capable of publishing in different ways. One way is to publish what would normally be a protobuf encoded payload as JSON. See this doc: MT: Configuration - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence. Specifically, look at the Data Format Type option in that document.
In addition, we are working on a ‘UNS Transmitter’. This is currently in the nightly version of the module and will be released later this month as part of MQTT Transmission 4.0.25. For more information on that see this: Using MQTT Modules to map ISA 95 Enterprise Structure in a UNS Architecture - MQTT Modules for Ignition 8.x - Confluence
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@wes.johnson Thank you for your reply.
Now i am able to receive the data as payload. I
I have changed the data format type in transmission server settings,